Monday, May 11, 2009


We went to Chinatown today to buy Halal Chicken and Meat. Its part of our routine once in every two weeks..Awu sometimes its twice..but usually its just once. That is the time we stock up kilos and kilos sampai full jua freezer atu..hahaha baik jua fridge basar..well..not too small not to big..just medium really..hehehe..

So anyways..we got there and well...i fell asleep..buying chicken, meat, prawns, veggies and all that stuff is not my thing. So i decide to take my afternoon nap.

In the car ready to go..

Me taking my nap..

Mummy forgot to take pictures of what Chinatown looks like here..She was too busy shopping i guess..but she said and i quote "Chinatown is under renovation, nada papa kan di gambar..semua betutup papan ah" Hmmmm...i asked daddy just to confirm..skali banar..hehehe ok mummy..May be next time.

Anyways...we were there for an hour and well..they knew parking was gonna cost $11 per hour..Maklum nada lagi ada tempat parking except for parking betingkat ani..and well $11 for an hour to get food for two weeks seems reasonable rather than using a taxi or the bus bcoz theres just too much and well too heavy to carry. So we didnt have a choice really..

Dulu when Neneks was here, Nenek K wud park at the side of Chinatown while waiting for us..then there was that time when Ninis was here, daddy wud park at the side while waiting for us..but actually waiting was not allowed so most times they had to go round the blocks couple of times...hehe then there was that time daddy used to cycle to Chinatown and well u can imagine him carrying kilos worth of stuff in his backpack..Alahai..Ngalih kali ah..

So anyways.back to the story..ahh the $11 per hour parking..turns out to be $14. Why?? hehe well..we missed it by 3 total of 1hr 3 mins..and the extra 3 mins cost $3..Alahaiii~~ hehehe In brunei, its either free or $1 per hour..ishk ishk ishk..we need to appreciate that.. hehehe well luckily here we get free parking at all Westfield Complex especially Woolworth near our home and after 7pm at certain areas.. so thats good news.

Anyways, we got home and well...time for me to watch cartoon..
Mickey Mouse was on..hehehe..

Then at night..Tellitubbies!! *funny*

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