Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mummy's Giant Rose

"Mummy...what a big flower you have.."

Almost as tall as me!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Daddy~o teaching me how to put on shoes

My COOOOL Nike shoes

Uwa Girl got these for me in KK last year..

baru tah muat..hehe

Off to DFO !
Direct Factory Outlets are Brisbane's biggest outlet sale super stores.
This DFO has 100 individual retail factory outlet stores,
all conveniently located under the one roof !!
There's one in Jindalee but we haven't been there yet.

Guess who we bumped into ??
Kaka Cinta and Family !! Awww~~
And....Uncle Hj Syukri is in town!!
Mummydaddy's friend...
Haven't seen him in a while~
will catch up with him tomorrow night over dinner~

Guess what i bought??

We stayed till closing time.. 6pm..hehe

Thomas Lunch Bag

Yup... i bought a new bag!
Plus a Thomas top
and a sweater coz its winter!
hehee..ada macam kan skulah usul nya?

Thomas Train Set

All that Thomas shopping..
makes me wanna play with my Thomas train set..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ski Hat

"Ski hat???? Are we going Skiing mummy???"

I wonder where we're off to...

just me and mummy while daddy's in Uni.

I fell asleep on the way to wherever we were going..
and woke up an hour later to find out..
We're in town!
Aww..she's shy~~

One of my friend in Brisbane..
..Kaka Cinta..
..Sweet name for a sweet girl..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Spagetti Mummy~nara

I had Spagetti mummy~nara for lunch today..
without the black pepper..hehe

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My 1st Croissant

My 1st croissant with butter and strawberry jam!

Milo Cake

Milo Cake?? One word : Delicious !
Top with white chocolate sauce... ummm....yummy!
Mummy~~ next time we should try it with ice cream...
hehehe....just a thought.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gloomy Wednesday

View from our balcony

Boo hoo.. one of my favourite cartoon is on..
and for the 1st time ever,
there's no signal on Foxtel !!
Gee..i thought it only happen with Astro on a rainy weather..
guess i was wrong.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Off to Woolies

Off to Woolies to get ...

Banana and Grapes!

Mum's Cookies

~~~C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C~~~

~~~A round cookie with one bite out of it looks like a C
A round doughnut with one bite out of it also looks like a C
But it is not as good as a cookie
Oh, and the moon sometimes looks like a C,
But you can't eat that!

~~So, C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C~~~

Arr arr, yum yum yum!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mee Goreng Mamak

One of my favourite dish is Mee Goreng Mamak.

Freshly fried.
Smells good.
Tastes Great.


Chubby Cheeks

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Banana Fritters

I like Banana Fritters - 'Pisang Goreng' .

Mummy usually make them for an afternoon tea snack,
but we had them for breakfast this morning.

Yum ! Round and crispy!


I love to eat popcorn while watching my cartoons,
especially colour flavoured ones!
It's the munching while watching any cartoons really
that makes it a lot more fun.
I know it's fattening
but i just can't take my hand away from it.

Popcorn + Cartoon, such a great combination for me

Sweet !!

It's really great to eat it with Apple Blackcurrant Juice too..

(Errk... rambut kusut lagi...just woke up from my afternoon nap)

Friday, May 15, 2009


On the way to town, which is just 5 minutes from home

In town

It's never quiet in town..
There's always a live band performing every now and then..

On the way to Nandos

We're so thankful most Nando's Restaurant here are halal,
except for the one in Gold Coast..Boo Hoo!

Fries....yum yum!

The chicken dance.

McDonald ice cream for dessert!

Guess who we bumped into.. Auntie RR..!

We met more Bruneians and as usual, i was the centre of attention.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I love Creme Caramel !

Creme caramel is a rich custard dessert
with a layer of soft caramel on top
and this is one of my favourite dessert!

ERKK... kusut rambut baru bangun from my afternoon nap! hehe

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fruit Market Day

"Hey Mr. DJ~~
Put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby~~

When the music starts
I never wanna stop
It's gonna drive me crazy~~~"

Check out my Elmo..getting too small for me huh??

Guess what? Since March 4th this year, Brisbane City has its very own farmer's market. Every Wednesday now my family and i would take a nice stroll into town, which is just 5 minutes away from home, to the end of the Queen Street Mall near the bridge.

Seasonal fruit, vegetables, seafood, breads, flowers, cheeses are all available. But we are mainly there for the seasonal fruits..
so we call it 'Fruit Market Day'..hehe

Daddy~o checking out the pineapples..Nope..not for me..
I'm too young for pineapples..
Anyways, See the one they got? Its got twin leaves!!

Ahhhh~~ in the picture below, daddy~o is checking out Custard Apples..
and YUP..thats for me! hehehe..okay okay for us.
Ahh~~Custard apple..where do i begin?! I love subtitute favourite fruit since mangos are not yet available here. Anyways, im not complaining as custard apples has a sweet aroma, its delicious and very nutritious, perfect for eating every day!!
We bought 4.5 kilos worth..hahaha yes enough for a whole week! We buy them still hard to touch you see so we let it ripen over the next few days. But when we want to hasten the ripening process then we simply put the fruit into a plastic bag (preferbly paper bag) with a banana and leave it on the kitchen bench. The banana will accelerate the ripening of the custard apple. Voila!

Here's me watching 'Bo on the go' after having 'Kueh Teaw' for dinner. I love this makes me laugh. ErrRRr and mummydaddy dont like it when i sit too close to the tv...Drive them nuts..hehe..Well... i was in the middle of playing my music when the cartoon starts so i turned around to face the tv and she happen to snap this photo. I was put on the sofa after that..hehehe..