Mummydaddy and i went to The Mall Gadong today and guess who we bumped into.. Abg Raiyan! with The Neneks including Nenek DoL, who arrived from Taiwan earlier this week...hehe...Actually we knew they were gonna be there but not for long. So i asked Abg Raiyan to stay with mummydaddy and i so he did.
Lapas tu...three...haha...Apalagi...we conquered The Mall...running here and there...doing watever we like...Last2 we end up at The Arcade...hehe

We had so much fun!
We even took pictures at The PHOTO BOOTH
just to remember the day..
Nanti tah kalau ada masa...i'll scan the pictures..hehehe...
Btw here are some pictures when Nenek DoL arrived in Brunei.
Better late than never kan...hehehe