Friday, May 04, 2007

Sakit kepala?

Why mummy have headaches most of the time? Its common. The cause of headaches? Uncertain. During the first trimester, headaches may be caused by changes in mummy's hormone levels and an increase in blood volume and circulation. During the third trimester, headaches tend to be related more to posture and tension from carrying me.

What mummy can do about it..

1. Avoid different kinds of food that can trigger headaches such as chocolates (sowie mummy!), aged cheese, peanuts and preserved meats.

2. Eat well-balanced meals. Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help keep mummy's blood sugar from getting too low.

3. Avoid caffeine (found in coffee, tea and cola).

4. Reduce stress. Rest in a dark, quiet room can soothe headaches. Find ways to use pillows for proper support. Get enough sleep!! Relaxation exercises, which may consist of deep breathing or simply closing your eyes and imagining a peaceful scene, may also help.

5. To soothe a headache in the sinus area, apply warm compresses to the front and sides of face and around nose, eyes and temples. To relieve a tension headache, apply a cold compress to the back of the neck.

6. Maintain good posture, especially now.

7. Get a massage. Massaging temples, shoulders and neck can help reduce the pain of headaches. *Warning! Do not massage me! Avoid belly area* Even if the bidan kampung say its okay, the doctors forbid it. So there must be a reason behind this.

8. Take Panadols. While it is best to avoid medication in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, there is no evidence that taking paracetamol in the recommended dose causes any harmful effects.

9. Pakai minyak panas. AWAS! Jgn kana mata. Hehe.

10. Exercise. Unless there are medical reasons to avoid it, mummy can and should exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days. Exercise can help mummy feel better. PLUS the calories burned help prevent too much weight gain. It can help build the stamina needed for labor and delivering me!

Consider walking, swimming and yoga, BUT DO NOT OVERDO IT! Avoid sports that could hit me. Never scuba dive because it can cause dangerous gas bubbles in my circulatory system.